Hello America! It’s time for Uncle Sam Says.
What is a liberty tree? What is a liberty pole?
OK, I know, most Americans today have never even heard of either one. But just before and during the revolutionary war the colonists knew what they were and the British for sure knew and they hated them. It started like this.
In Boston, in 1765, the locals held their very first meeting of rebellion. ( yep, wouldn’t you know it had to be Boston if it had to do with rebellion!)
Anyway, The Bostonians held their very first meeting of rebellion under a huge old Elm tree that grew near the Boston Commons. Subsequent meetings were also held there and the tree became known as the liberty tree and the ground around the tree became known as Liberty Hall. That tree became a real source of irritation to the British and all of the British Loyalists or Tories.
It became a symbol of rebellion to them and finally, a Loyalist named Nathaniel Coffin cut it down in 1775. That was a rather appropriate name, wasn’t it? That tree made 14 cords of firewood.
Well, of course, that infuriated the patriots not only in Boston but all up and down the American coast. Towns all up and down the coast began to designate their own Liberty Trees and if they didn’t have a suitable tree growing in their town square, they would plant a very tall pole and call it their Liberty pole.
It was just a way of figuratively sticking their finger in the British eye. It was the ultimate figure of rebellion and the British chopped them down as fast as they found them and the Correspondence Committees got the information out just as fast as they could run, ride or sail.
The CC rides again!
Yes, The Correspondence Committee has been resurrected and rides again bringing truth to all Americans.
No more fake news, and, we need you.
Remember, you are learning the truth!
Tell your friends.
Speak with boldness! And keep your powder dry!
Picture courtesy of Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_Tree